How to: pierce a tin can to make a lantern

15 Set


Hello everybody!

What can you do with all of those cans of coffee, tomato, green beans and so on (that you use everyday)? I had a lot of very small cans, single portions of Bolognese sauce, very useful for students… and I wanted to make something out of them!

I didn’t throw them away and one day I realized that the had the perfect width to hold a tealight.

So I had the idea for these small lanterns.

You may obviously use also bigger can, but you will have to use bigger candles though, otherwise you won’t have the same effect.

You will need:


colored tissue paper

nail and hammer


metal wire

1) If you wand to design a particular scheme, such as a spiral or a star, mark  the points on the can with a marker

2) Make holes in the can, with nail and hammer. If you are alone, put your can in a vise to work safely.

Older children too can do this step, if they are supported by an adult.

While you hammer, the can bends a bit, and it won’t be perfectly round anymore: it’s no problem because it going to be covered in tissue paper.

Here’s how you can should be now. Leave an un-pierced space at the botto: anyway the candlelight will be there and the holes won’t let any light out.

2) Cut a strip of colored tissue paper and glue it to the can.

3) It you want, now you can add a handle, bending some metal wire, which you will attach to one of the can’s holes

4) Here are the can lanterns seen from above:

In the daylight they are nothing special, but the at night…



3 Risposte to “How to: pierce a tin can to make a lantern”

  1. L. 30 settembre 2012 a 17:45 #



  1. Lanterne di latta « Creare Scout - 25 settembre 2012


  2. Lanterne zucca « Creare Scout - 23 ottobre 2012

    […] lanterns I made: here, here and here! Have fun with your […]

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