Tag Archives: christmas

Kids Christmas crafts – ideas –

12 Dic

Browsing the internet I found 4 Christmas ideas that I liked;

and I found them perfect for a Christmas activity with the Cubs: not too easy, not to hard.

The Cubs could also make a small sell of their creations to raise a little money for some collective project.

Click on the pictures to see the tutorial! Some of them are in other languages but the photos are self-explaining 🙂

In our last activity we made THESE decorations.

Enjoy my features: 🙂

Toilet paper poinsettias

The Crafty Crow

Click here to continue reading!

Popsicle stick Xmas tree

28 Nov

This is a very very easy Christmas decoration, suitable for kids of all ages.

I didn’t even take how-to pictures because the craft is self-explaining (is this correct in English?)

The important thing about these little hand-made Christmas trees is that we can re-use all of those popsicle sticks that we collect during sping and summertime.

The idea is from “la casetta delle idee“: I just changed and added something.

Come fare? Leggi il tutorial!


24 Ott

It’s not too early to start thinking about Christmas activities. 🙂 And it’s not too early either to start collecting white plastic bottle caps for this little and easy craft… snowmen to hang on our Christmas tree!

Another Christmas decoration idea: popsicle stick Christmas trees: click HERE

Read more!

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