I follow many great crafting blogs, and most of them are in English. I started to participate in some link parties, then some people from all around the world began visiting my blog.

As I saw my pics pinned on Pinterest, I decided I should start translating some of my crafts tutorials in English.

I’ve always loved languages, and as long as I have fun with it, I’ll keep on “internationalizing” this little blog of mine 🙂

Please, forgive any potential mistakes (grammar, sentence building etc): English is not my mother tongue but I will do my best 🙂

So, foreign language tutorials are going to be gathered here (just click on the picture):

thrifted indian headband

DIY Notebooks, sewn and buttoned!

Tin can creative recycle

Lantern with AA batteries

Art with fallen leaves

Sand and shells DIY photo frame

diy memo stanciled memo board

DIY Cork bulletin board

Multipurpose containers

Papier maché DIY Treasure Chest

popsicle stick Christmas tree

First Aid Pouch (sewing tutorial)

Plastic cap snowmen

Cub Scouts nutshell hats

upcycle a tin can

Upcycled soup cans – Garden bees

Gel candles with shells

Leather door tag

tutorial diy frame

DIY Twig frame

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